Featured Service: Tenant Reviews
Featured Service: Tenant Reviews

Featured Service: Tenant Reviews

Posted in Services

We know that shopping centers are constantly adding new tenants, so we’ve developed a solution to review each tenants’ – and their retail design teams’ – drawings.

We’re the landlord’s police: we’ll review the quality of work, check it against your property’s requirements, and identify/resolve issues before they hit the field. We bridge the gap between landlord and tenant.



1 / We help tenant’s architecture and engineering teams overcome challenges with the base building or previous tenant conditions

2 / All reviews are turned around in three business days and often times 24 hours

3 / Tenant reviews set an elevated standard for the retail design teams as well as on-site contractors

4 / It’s great to know that a committed team is protecting your properties’ interests



Tenant reviews catch problems before construction. This means avoiding costly mistakes in the field and fixing them before they happen.

Additionally, tenant reviews smooth the transition from design to construction. The average opening date is accelerated by 3 weeks.


Landlord Police

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